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Top » Bands and Artists » 9 » 9FoldPunch » Biographies

Biography: 9foldpunch

9FoldPunch are from the "Up-there" school of guitar based Rock-N-Roll , being initially influenced by guitar led AC/DC and retro rockers The Ramones , particularly when they were in their surf-punk era. They quickly learned that they needed to step backwards before they could progress forwards and needed to discover not only first generation Ramones but what had also pointed "Da Bruddas" in the right direction in the first place. Which in this increasingly sterile bland pop boy-band era is easier said than done. But having a friendly local second hand record store owner helped their task a little as slowly but surely he encouraged them to have a listen to suburb (but largely forgotten) tracks like "The Witch" by The Rattles / "Another Girl, Another Planet" by The Only Ones, some of which said "something" some of which didn't mean anything, ... but who said Rock & Roll had to be intelligent enough pass it's 'A' levels??!!
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