Top » Bands and Artists » A » April Wine » Reviews
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April Wine-"You could've been a lady"-promo version
The song "You Could've been a Lady" was on a previous album. It was probably a "Promo". I heard it as a sophomore in high school..1971 or 1972 I loved that song! I went on a trip to Vancouver B.C. New Years Eve 1974. While in a B.C. record store I came across the album "On Record". The album cover had a picture of the pressed album on it. I was suprised to see the song "You Could've Been a Lady" on it. I saw this song back in 71-72 with a cover that was purple. Can you tell me what the name of the "Promo" was? I am certain of the facts I've just told you about. The name of the then underground FM radio station was KDUX from (which was not very well monitored by the FCC back, as there was swearing allowed) Ocean Shores, WA. The DJ made it clear that the song was from a Canadian group. I then took an intrest in Canadian bands, such as Trooper, Starz, Jerry Doucette, etc.. Please respond.. An Avid Vinyl owner, Matt Kaleb THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME!

The Apes
I'm a HUGE Apes (my pet name fan for them) fan, have seen them a dozen times (literally). I have posters, books, and have had the honour of talking to Gerry Mercer (one of Canada's premier rock drummers).
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