Top » Bands and Artists » F » Funeral For A Friend » Reviews
a sudden success
so after the huge success of lostprophets, all eyes are on wales for the next big thing. well no fear because funeral for a friend are set to be the next big thing. their debut album 'casually dressed and deep in conversation' has got the hills (of my small villiage) alive. with no weak spots in the album it is perfect. juneau has still got the same infectious charm as it did the first time i heard it. its melodic hooks keep reeling you in. FFAF seem to be very down to earth and aren't letting popularity turn them into air heads. i have much admeration for ryan richards (drums) as i know how hard it is to keep all 4 limbs doing different things, nevermind doing infectious screaching vocals too.Contributed by: suicidal kangaroo - ed
User Reviews:
I would give the album 10/10 it rules so much the best songs are 1,2,3,4,5,8,12

Contributed by: randomnoodles
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