Top » Bands and Artists » G » Garbage » Discography » Beautiful Garbage » Reviews
User Reviews:
Breaking Up The Girl
The angst lyrics and the Beautiful Garbage bubble gum pop touch combine into a song just a smidgen on the dark side. Smidgen, I say, because how dark could you call anything with a drawn-our crooning chorus in the background?
Manson's voice lowers, grabbing a hint of sensuality, for the first few lines of the song. She sings of danger and magic, love and death. The song quickly matures into a high pulse and high energy sparkler, though, just aching to be sung along with. Of course, the lyrics aren't exactly cotton candy, but the background "ahhh aaa" is a modern version of something out of a Carpenter's song.
I love this song. At about the hundredth replay, the perky "ooOOOooo" chorus will drive some to destroy their cd. So far, though, the original feel lent by the combination of styles has kept me afloat. Who doesn't appreciate driving guitar, well varied tempo, Manson's voice (both sensual and poppish), and addictive music?