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- Hagiphonic (Review) - The "BandCamp" Diaries : Brief Review Of "Sociopath" by Hagiphonic
- Sociopath by Hagiphonic : Review - Warlock Asylum International News: A SHAMANIC PERSPECTIVE ON LIFE IN THE MODERN WORLD
User Reviews:
SINGLE REVIEW: Sociopath by Hagiphonic
Hagiphonic are an enigmatic electronica duo hailing from Cedar Rapids, Iowa. I say enigmatic, as their website consists of only their logo and a free download of this track, Sociopath. The mysterious approach certainly made me intrigued to listen to their music and this is their first release. The track is slightly towards the more alternative end of electronica, though I would still regard it as commercial in its genre. Essentially, it blends vocal samples in a clever way with a trance-style electronic backing. It begins with a super-catchy revolving sample of “Snap, crackle, pop…somebody had the chop“. Musically, it has its finger on the pulse as this brought to mind the currently successful dance track Fake ID by Riton and Kah-Lo, which also uses revolving spoken word phrases to hypnotic effect. The bassline is sparse and simple but highly effective, helping to create a mesmeric mood. The track builds up gradually for the first minute before breaking into a slick 2/4 beat. It sustains the interest through clever weaving of the vocal samples, subtle complex percussion and nice production effects (delays/reverbs etc.) Overall, this is a strong first release from an electronica outfit who are admirably prepared to let their music do the talking and remain largely anonymous, at least for now. Sociopath is quirky, original and extremely catchy. The production is first rate and I expect this track to find success in the clubs and with dance fans in general, but especially the trance crowd.