
1981 -
- Aaron Stowlow
Strings - Adrian Fry
Trombone - Adrian Ravell
Saxophone - Alex Malheiros
Bass Guitar - Alex Rizzo
Programming - Alexander Pope Norris
Trumpet - Alexander Vselensky
Strings - Alpheus Little
Bass Guitar - Andy Gangadeen
Drums - Andy Kremer
Bass Guitar - Andy Ross
Saxophone - Anthony Kadleck
Trumpet - Avi Lebo Leibovich
Trombone - Barry Finclair
Strings - Barry Stewart
Vocal - Basilo Marquez
Trumpet - Bernita Turner
Vocal - Bud Beadle
Saxophone - Carlos 'Soul Slinger'
Vocal - Charles Gordon
Trombone - Charlise Rockwood
Vocal - Chris DeMargary
Saxophone - Chris Joris
Percussion - Christopher Ballin
Vocal - Chyna
Vocal - Claudia Fontaine
Vocal - Claudia Rey
Vocal - Daniel 'Venom' Maunick
Programming - Daniel Sadownick
Percussion - Denys Babtiste
Saxophone - Diane Monroe
Strings - Dianna Joseph
Vocal - Dominic Glover
Trumpet - Donald Downs
Trumpet - Duncan McKay
Trumpet - Ed Jones
Saxophone - Ed Motta
Vocal - Ed Xiques
Flute - Elizabeth Gray
Vocal - Elizabeth Troy
Vocal - Ellen Blair
Strings - Elliot Rosoff
Strings - Fayyaz Virji
Trombone - Gary Sanctuary
Keyboards - Gavin Harrison
Drums - Gavin W Pearce
Bass Guitar - Gerard Presencer
Trumpet - Graham Harvey
Keyboards - Greg Gisbert
Trumpet - Ian Thomas
Drums - Imaani
Vocal - Irving Acao
Saxophone - Ivan Hussey
Strings - Jamie Norton
Keyboards - Jason Yarde
Saxophone - Jean Ingraham
Strings - Jean-Paul 'Bluey' Maunick
Guitar - Jim Watson
Keyboards - Jimmy Bosch
Trombone - Jocelyn Brown
Vocal - John Deley
Keyboards - Joy Malcolm
Vocal - Joy Rose
Vocal - Julian Crampton
Bass Guitar - Julio Enrique Padron
Trumpet - Karen Bernod
Vocal - Karl Vandenbossche
Percussion - Kelli Sae
Vocal - Ken Hitchcock
Flute - Kevin Robinson
Trumpet - Kurt Briggs
Strings - Kurt Coble
Strings - Lennox Cameron
Vocal - Linda Muriel
Vocal - Louis Jardin
Percussion - Luaraine McIntosh
Vocal - Marion Pinheiro
Strings - Mark Anthoni
Vocal - Mark Edwards
Bass Guitar - Mark Nightingale
Trombone - Marshall Coid
Strings - Martin Verdonk
Percussion - Matt Coleman
Trombone - Matt Cooper
Keyboards - Matthew Stuart
Drums - Maxton 'Gig' Beesley Jr.
Percussion - Maysa Leak
Vocal - Michael Davies
Trombone - Michael Gorman
Keyboards - Ming Yeh
Strings - Myra Segal
Strings - Nichol Thomson
Trombone - Ogadinma Umelo
Vocal - Paige Lackey
Vocal - Pamela Anderson
Vocal - Patrick Clahar
Saxophone - Paul 'Tubbs' Williams
Bass Guitar - Paul Lewis
Vocal - Paul Weller
Guitar - Paul Woodiel
Strings - People of the Earth
Vocal - Peter Hinds
Keyboards - Randy Hope-Taylor
Bass Guitar - Ray Carless
Saxophone - Ray Hayden
Programming - Ray Simpson
Vocal - Rebekah Johnson
Strings - Richard Bailey
Drums - Richard Bull
Programming - Richard Edwards
Trombone - Roman Filiu
Saxophone - Ronnie Cuber
Saxophone - Rowland Sutherland
Flute - Rudy Perrault
Strings - Sandra Billingslea
Strings - Sanford Allen
Strings - Sara Loewenthal
Strings - Sarah Brown
Vocal - Sheila Reinhold
Strings - Simon Cotsworth
Programming - Simon Grey
Keyboards - Ski Oakenfull
Bass Guitar - Snake Davies
Saxophone - Snowboy
Percussion - Sophia Jones
Vocal - Stanley Hunte
Strings - Stephen Hussey
Strings - Thomas Dyani-Akuru
Percussion - Tim Hagans
Trumpet - Tim Ries
Saxophone - Tony Momrelle
Vocal - Tyrrell
Programming - Valerie Etienne
Vocal - Veronique DeMargary
Vocal - Winston Rollins
Trombone - Winterton Garvey
Strings - Xavier Barnett
Vocal - Xin Zhao
Strings - Yolisa Phale
Strings - Yuri Vodovoz
Top » Bands and Artists » I » Incognito » Category Description
Incognito - an Acid Jazz collective formed in the UK in 1981.
Incognito does not have a recognised line-up of members; Incognito is essentially one man's dream, namely Jean-Paul 'Bluey' Maunick.
Since the inception of Incognito in 1981, many musicians have been involved in creating the music of Incognito. Rather than focusing on individuals, equal credit is given for their contributions. This approach, to quote Bluey himself, "promotes and encourages the talents of the musicians and in turn teaches all of us humility and a sense of sharing that is not usually present in most other bands".