Top » Bands and Artists » K » Keaggy, Phil » Discography » Uncle Duke » Reviews
User Reviews:
Uncle Duke Mini-Review
July 12, 2003
This is an incredibly diverse project. Phil's 75 year odl uncle, Dave "Duke" Keaggy, faxed Phil some of the poetry he'd written over the years. As a gift, Phil put many of the pieces to music and decided to share it with us. A very colorful mix, Uncle Duke has everything from a talking paranoid bird, a two-headed duck, tales of a pool shark, stories of army life during world war II and a headstone returned to it's owner's gravesite. Stylisticly, there's country, techno, straight ahead rock and much more.
There isn't much in the way of a common thread among songs or styles, but this is definitely an enjoyable CD. There were only 1500 copies pressed and this has become one of Phil's most saught-after projects. If you can find a copy at a reasonable price, go for it! You won't regret it.