Top » Bands and Artists » M » Martin, George » Links
- A Quicksilver Mind: Sir George Martin - News, biography, interviews, a concert review, and related links.
- George Martin Music - Official site of Sir George Martin's recording company and music publishing house.
- George Martin Portfolio - His work and production history is featured. Sound clips from two interviews.
- George Martin's Commencement Address at Berklee - Speech from April 13, 1989.
- George Martin - Information on the CD "Produced By George Martin: 50 Years in Recording," news of the auction lithographs of the original score for "Yesterday," and an interview audio clip.
- Rock and Roll Hall of Fame - Inductee biography.
- Sir George Martin - Article detailing his career as a music producer and his relationship with the Beatles.
- Sir George Martin Interview - Transcipt from a radio interview in which he talks of his musical production and involvement with "Yellow Submarine."
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