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Biography: Ojos de Brujo

2006. Barcelona. The children of the street rumba and polyglot flamenco celebrate the freedom and sensuality of music and the wealth of contagious rhythm. This is the catharsis of flamenco and the joy of sonic experimentation: nomadic, racially-mixed music crossing the streets of cities of the world like a ship full of lunatics, communicating, creating, and celebrating. Techarí is the chemistry that flows in its concerts, Techarí is an attitude you put forth into the world, Techarí is alive in the smallest of details. In Caló, the gypsy language, Techarí means "Free." Wherever in the world they find themselves, they follow their own road.
The journey of Ojos de Brujo (ODB) started well before they began to know one other. In the depths of their previous experiences. In their fascination with the rhythmical treasures of the planet and the languages of flamenco. With a constant experimental curiosity and the need to reach out to and encounter other artists.
In 1999, the group recorded its first album, 'Vengue' (another gypsy word for the energy that flows through life). It was a homemade production that captured the attention of critics and the public alike, and news of the band's performances spread rapidly. It was also the beginning of a period of independent production for ODB, after which they would begin to publish their own work. Going against conventional industry wisdom, they created their own structure and team for promotion, production, and recording of all future material.
The adventure that started in September of 2002 with the release of their second album, ''Barí' ("joy" or "virtual essence" in Caló) was the band's next step. Now, without industry pressure, they were free to take a new direction. They presented 'Barí' to enthusiastic fans across the globe between 2002 and 2005, through several tours in Latin America and the U.S., playing in the most important jazz, rock, and world music festivals such as Glastonbury, Rosklide, Summerstage NY Central Park, Lowlands, Montreal Jazz... Japan, Colombia, Morocco, Cuba, Mexico, Hungary, France, and Germany.
It is during this time that an encounter with the Senegalese group Daara J came about, along with Martirio's infinite celebration till the dawn and the beatbox antics of Maxwell Wright steering tanguillo rhythms; the vitality of Cuban pianist Roberto Carcasses and the magical world of Nitin Sawney, whose recent release featured guest Brujos; the majestic guitar work of Pepe Habicheula, the contagious energy of the Asian Dub Foundation; the lucidity of Raúl Rodrígues. Tambores beating out bulerías and so funky, so much funkier than Catalan rumba!
The vital enthusiasm of ODB has always gone well beyond music. A hive of artistic activity in which phographers, graffiti artists, visual entertainers, illustrators, programmers and producers collaborate and participate. Artists from all over the world play in and deepen the group's ideas, collected in the extra disc that the group is including in its new release, "Techarí."
A lovingly and luminously designed album, Techarí is alive with the colors, flavors, and textures that arise while exploring the group's visual world. They decided to publish it in both a standard edition as well as a deluxe booklet featuring artists' interpretations of each song.
Currently, they are getting ready to embark on the Techarí World Tour and are already gathering material for their next album. It is a voyage that has only just begun, set to continue into parts unknown...
Contributed by: Ojos de Brujo
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