Top » Computers » Audio Formats » MP3 » FAQs, Help, and Tutorials
- All about MP3 - News, FAQs & guides, samples, links, players and more. (Includes pop-up windows.)
- Allmp3info - Information on MP3; what it is, how to listen to it. Also how to make your own music for the computer or your car.
- MP3 tutorial - Collection of tutorials and help for playing and encoding MP3 files. Also a number of links to popular players and other MP3 resources.
- Bruce's MP3 Page - Describes the process of making MP3s from CDs, and how to acquire MP3s online.
- Free Mp3 Music Downloads and FAQ - MP3 site featuring free mp3 downloads, decoders, plugins, skins etc.
- How Stuff Works: MP3 - Thorough four-part tutorial describing how MP3 files work and how to start collecting and playing MP3 files yourself, with some related links.
- How to Listen to MP3 Music - Article from explaining the process of playing MP3 music on your computer.
- MP3 Central - Contains instructions and help for making MP3 files from CD music.
- MP3 FAQ - Guide to MP3 files, their legality and various how-to's.
- MP3 FAQs - MP3 is a standard technology and format for compressing a sound into a very small file.
- MP3 Facts - Info available is about the format itself, downloads, software players, portable players and CD rippers.
- MP3 Guide for Beginners - An easy to understand beginners guide to MP3. Also offers an advanced user guide with tips for using the feature rich MusicMatch Jukebox.
- MP3 Package - Webmonkey feature discussing the MP3 revolution. Starts with the legal and ethical issues and ends with the nuts and bolts of the audio format.
- MP3 Seek - Answers a few main questions people have about the MP3 format, along with a bunch of links to other sites.
- MP3Friends IRC Channel - Tutorial on how to join the MP3Friends IRC channel and download MP3 files via fservers on IRC.
- MP3s Explained in Plain English - Comprehensive but easy to understand introduction to MP3 files. Explains the process of playing and recording MP3s using MusicMatch. No ads or commercial links.
- MPEG Audio - Theo Michel presents an introduction, with discussions of legal and ethical issues and other resources.
- MPEG Facts and Info - Number of frequently asked questions about MPEG audio compression and other technical information.
- Mediatechnics Duplication Systems - Manufactures automated CD and DVD production equipment. Perfect for the small music artists looking to produce their own projects.
- Mp3 Downloads Players Music - Mp3 downloads, players, FAQ, and mp3 music.
- Mp3 Guide and Help - Offers help about mp3: many how to's, problem solving, and general faq about mp3.
- Mpeg 3 FAQ - Detailed list of frequently asked questions about the MP3 file format. Covers getting started and trouble shooting.
- General Help - Answers a few basic questions about MP3 files and where you can find them. There are other help sections based on downloading and making MP3s, and some terminology.
- Octave - Brief outline of what MP3 is, where to get players, software, and writing music onto CD.
- PC Digital Music - Delves into the history of digital music, the various formats available, and a detailed explanation of MP3 files.
- Professional DVD and CD duplication systems - Professional DVD and CD duplication systems from
- Team MP3 - Mp3 faqs and information on the mp3 standard.
- The Music Digital Network - A-play is proud to present The Music Digital - NETWORK it is your Music, Mp3 and Lyrics one stop center.
- What is MP3? - Explanation of MPEG layer 3, and its advantages and disadvantages; from DailyMP3.
- Xorys' MP3 FAQ - Very extensive collection of questions and answers relating to MP3 files and the making of them.
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