Top » Instruments » Keyboard » Piano » Links » Player Pianos
- Adam's Pianola Page - Provides information including history, how to play the instrument, price guide, music roll pictures and brand information, items for sale and links.
- Gabe's Player Piano Page - The story and music of a 1925 Lexington Simplex Straightline Player Piano.
- Grand Piano Online - It provides great information and a method of buying Grand Pianos.
- My Player Piano Page - A personal site devoted to a 1921 player piano. Includes Real Audio files.
- Perforating Music Rolls on the Maine Coast - A photo gallery and text, showing the "out of doors" making of a Master Roll for Player pianos (Pianolas) at a Maine campsite.
- Piano Skills - Learn the basics of playing piano. Including flashcards, and music theory.
- Player Piano Care and Music Rolls - Provides information including restoration and repair, technical articles, music rolls, parts and supplies. Also sells music rolls, player pianos, reference books and supplies.
- Spencer's E-Rolls - Electronic music files for pneumatic, reproducing, and electronic pianos, sound cards and sound modules. Optically scanned from original player piano rolls. Custom piano roll scanning and archiving services also available.
- Terry Smythe's Home Page - Information about vintage automatic musical instruments, such as player pianos, reproducing pianos, nickelodeons, disk music boxes, cylinder music boxes and circus band organs. Includes articles and links about restoration.
- The Player Piano WebRing - Specifically created for all websites having anything to do with those marvelous mechanical music makers known lovingly as Player Pianos.
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