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Top » Bands and Artists » B » Beatles, The » Discography

Cataloguing the Beatles is a never ending task. More editions are constantly being discovered. So this list will be perpetual and always updating.

Also changing will be notes on players and their roles on the recordings. Various sources, some very creditable, can have errors because of the nature of recording in the 1960s. Only in recent years has it become known that Paul McCartney played the firey guitar solos in the songs Taxman and Sgt. Peppers Loney Hearts Club Band. The Beatles were also famous for tweaking songs after hours and post logs. For example, it's well known today that McCartney would remain in the studio after the others had gone home and replace some of Ringo's drumming on Paul's songs.

Another infamous discrepancy involves Eric Clapton. It's common knowledge that Eric played the lead guitar solo on While My Guitar Gently Weeps, after George became unhappy with not being able to get the part the way he wanted it. But it's not well known that according to George, Eric also played the solo on Something, which is not how it appears on the studio logs. George reportedly took Eric into the studio one night and had him track the solo. George himself told this story in a radio interview even though today, after Harrison's death, Eric denies it.

Every effort will be taken to record the accurate information here. Information in doubt will be omitted.


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