MusicMoz - Submitting an Item

To submit an item to the Open Music Project, first find the most appropriate category you can, then select the 'submit item' option at the top of the page. If a category does not have a 'submit item' option, submissions are turned off for that category, and you cannot submit there.

  1. Submit to the most specific category that is appropriate. This will speed up listing of your submission.
  2. If you are submitting a URL, and the category has a Links subcategory, you should submit to the Links subcategory.
  3. If you are submitting a URL, you should use the 'URL' type. Using any other type may delay, or prevent, inclusion of your site.
  4. You may be able to use the search feature to locate a suitable category.

Submission Policies

We care a great deal about the quality of MusicMoz. Please be aware that abusive submissions may result in the removal of all items connected with the abuser.