Top » Bands and Artists » 3 » 311 » Discography » Music » Reviews
User Reviews:
"Music's" what I need to keep my sanity.
I have enjoyed all of "311's" albums, but I easily like "Music" the most, and that's saying something. Being their debut, this isn't as experimental as later albums, but the combo of rock-rap and funk on here is very solid. And as you will hear, from the start "311" had great and positive lyrics, delivered perfectly from S.A. and Nick Hexum. I also feel, this is the point that "311" became the new "Chili Peppers", for me anyway. They just had that energy. This album is also actually 12 tracks, the last one being one of the best. Overall, if you get anything other than their "Greatest Hits", make it "Music".

311 - Music
311's 1st album is a compilation of all their earlier LP's with other material. Any 311 fan will tell you this is must have because of famous songs such as Do You Right, Feels So Good, and Fat Chance (F!@k The Bulls#$t). These songs are traditionally played at their amazing concerts and usually bring the house down. This album blends relaxing tunes such as Nix Hex with some loud songs that get you pumped up like Feels So Good. This is a musically rich album with a lot of melodies. A necessity of anyone who likes 311 or rap-rock or almost any type of music. Chad Sexton on percussion is incredible to listen to for those who play the drums or to the casual listener. P-nut's bass skills are nearly unmatched in the music business. Tim Mahoney wails out some great melodies on guitar while leadman Nick Hexum and Singer/DJ SA Martinez bust out the rhymes. Unreal album, you will not regret by this album after the 3rd straight month it's in your cd player.

311 / music
incredible album. not much left to say. this is definitely one of, if not their best effort to date. p.s. listen to "nix hex" starting at 3:11. that song is AWESOME and it serves as an intro to "plain."

A very strong debut album...
I've read quite a few of the reviews of 311's music posted by fans of the band on Amazon, and first and foremost let me agree with the general consensus: this album is one of the best by this group. It's an exciting, aggressive debut, the definitive 311 primer, and it shows just how hungry these guys were to get out of Omaha. I would recommend listening to this record first to anyone who's interested in 311. Now, to digress just a bit... I think there's a problem out there in the heartland and elsewhere with some of 311's fans. It's mildly disturbing to read insulting comments directed at the group from so-called fans who seem to have forgotten that 311 are young, talented musicians who have a right to branch out, experiment, and grow musically. Okay, okay; Grassroots, 311, Transistor, & Soundsystem all lack the decidedly aggro edge that made Music so appealing--but wait, there's more. Witness Chad Sexton and P-Nut become one of the most solid rhythm sections in modern rock over the space of four albums; sit back and let Tim Mahoney's remarkable guitar prowess amaze as he deftly keeps pace with the mad style-hopping of the band, and sometimes orchestrates it; and enjoy the frenetic call-and-response style of Nick Hexum and SA Martinez. So they play a little reggae or world-beat from time to time... take a break from moshing on the couch with your friends, sit back, and open your mind. There are other styles of music to digest and enjoy, and as a fan of 311, you can literally have it all.

An album for REAL 311 fans
A regular "311 Fan" is someone who heard about them only when their self-titled album came out. I have seriously heard people say that their self titled album was their debut album. But any REAL 311 fan was there from the beginning and was around to correct the losers who think that the self-titled was the debut album. I am a TRUE 311 fan. Personally I think that this is their best album by far!! 1. WELCOME: 5/5--An awesome opener. Starts off slow and funky at first and then goes harder for the rest of the song. 2. FREAK OUT: 5/5--One of my all time favorite 311 songs. 3. VISIT: 5/5--Great slam-dance song. 4. PARADISE: 5/5--3 hard songs and then a complete funk song. This song is one of the best. 5. UNITY: 5/5--Another great slam-dance song 6. HYDROPONIC: 5/5--Another one of my all time favorite 311 songs. 7. MY STONEY BABY: 5/5--As of right now this is my favorite 311 song. They really bring out the funk in this one. 8. NIX HEX: 5/5--This song follows very closely behind "My Stoney Baby" Great funk song. 9. PLAIN: 5/5--Awesome funk verses and chorus with a hard pre-chorus. Great song 10. FEELS SO GOOD: 5/5--ANY true 311 fan would know this song is one of the funnest energetic songs EVER by 311. Especially live where Nick Hexum always ends up jumping in the crowd and crowd surfing. 11. DO YOU RIGHT: 5/5--Known to many as 311's "Happy Slam-Dance Song" Great to listen to to get in a good mood. 12. FAT CHANCE(F*** THE BULL S***)--Great hidden track. Starts off with a cool rap intro and then just goes all out hard rock and rap with great lyrics. So all in all this CD is one of the greatest albums ever placed on CD racks. If you are stuck in the "Self Titled 311 world" then pick this CD up and you will forget they even made that self titled one.

Don't Say No To Drugs
311's debut album is an infectious mix of funk-metal and hip-hop. While the band fails to come up with a consistently solid batch of songs, their raw energy makes up for the lack of strong songwriting.

this is a great CD, I especialy love the song'paradise'
there s just something about that 'paradise' song that I just have to keep playing it over and over again.